Clip Grid Mover for Ableton Live

This Max for Live device lets you change the position of your Session Ring (“Clip Grid”, “Red Box”, “Clip Matrix Selection”) via automation, mouse, Scene selection or playing clip in Ableton Live Session View in combination with your MIDI controller like the Akai APCs and Novation Launchpads.

Clip Grid Mover for Ableton Live

There are 2 Max for Live devices included one for more current MIDI controller and one for ‘older’ devices.

Those are Max for Live devices and you will need M4L to make use of them. (M4L is included in Ableton Live Suite or as an add on towards Ableton Live Standard.)

Please check the tutorials I made for the: 

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Compatible Controllers:


  • APC 40 MINI Mk2 (Live 11 + 12)
  • APC Key25 Mk2 (Live 11 + 12)
  • APC 64 (Live 11 + 12)
  • APC 40 Mk2 (Live 10 + 11 + 12)OLDER:
  • APC 20 (Live 10+11+12)
  • APC 40 (Live 10+11+12)
  • APC Mini MK1 (Live 10+11+12)


  • Launchpad MINI Mk 3 (Live 10+ 11 + 12)
  • Launchpad Pro Mk3 (Live 10+ 11 + 12)
  • Launchpad X (Live 10+ 11 + 12)OLDER:
  • Launchpad Mk1 (Live 10+ 11 + 12)

Launchpads not listed here might work but I couldn’t test those. .


  • All Launchkeys Mk3 (Live 10 + 11 + 12)

Older Mk1 and Mk2 Launchkeys might work but I couldn’t test those.

It won’t work with the Ableton PUSH.

Check out further devices..

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